Traveling Abroad this Summer?

Driving Awareness, Travelling Abroad


Don’t forget your VE103B

If you’re planning a summer road trip abroad, did you know you can choose to use your Sandicliffe Motor Contracts vehicle as your chosen mode of transport?

Taking your company car on holiday with you is no problem at all, as long as your company insurance policy covers you to drive abroad and you obtain a VE103B Vehicle on Hire certificate from Sandicliffe Motor Contracts. The VE103B certificate shows that you have been given permission to use your ‘hire’ vehicle abroad and entitles you to drive the vehicle in any EU member state.

To apply for a VE103B is very simple. Go to the Vehicles Abroad section on our website.

From there you will need to complete the online form which will be submitted to our Maintenance Team at head office who will ensure the VE103B certificate is posted out to you.

Also on this page, you will find additional information about compulsory and recommended equipment that you will also be required to carry in your car. For example, in France it is compulsory for you to carry a warning triangle, beam deflectors, GB sticker, and a high visibility jacket. You can purchase any essential travel motor accessories from our online shop.

Don’t leave it too late!

Please allow 7-14 days for delivery of the VE103B so do plan ahead. For any further formation or help in submitting the online form, call our helpdesk on 01159 466 466.

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