
Kwik Fit Branches UK & Northern Ireland

Kwik Fit Mobile UK & Northern Ireland

Batteries and Exhausts

Kwik Fit Branches UK & Northern Ireland

Telephone numbers to remember

Kwik Fit Mobile 0800 42 52 62

Please remember this is an appointment service only

Kwik Fit Branch Locator 0800 222 111

Braches operate on a first come first served basis. Appointments other than for MOT are not available.

For your nearest depot/mobile service please contact one of the above numbers, alternatively consult your yellow pages
directory or go on line to www.kwik-fitfleet.com

For any tyre related work the depot will contact Tyre Line for authority. Batteries and Exhausts will be authorised
through our 1 Link platform.

Irreparable/Damaged tyre will be authorised for replacement by Tyre Line. Drivers will be informed and shown the
reason for replacing an irreparable tyre(s) and will be provided with documentation confirming the facts. Pending receipt
of an invoice a percentage recharge may be made to your company for any unused tread over and above 2mm left on
the tyre. Recharges will be in line with the terms and conditions of the particular vehicular contract.

The Tyre Line facility, (0870 050 6666)

Introduced due to the increasing complexity of modern day tyre being
fitted by Manufacturers. Tyre Line is available 24 hrs a day and it’s experts are there to assist with any queries your local branch or Mobile
representative are unable to answer.